First day of Induction cum Orientation Program- 17.08.2023

First day of the induction cum orientation program has been conducted today. The Program started at 10 am with inaugural meeting, the meeting included lighting of lamp, welcome address by academic bursar, address by Principal, introduction by students and staff, NKC CTE at a glance video presentation prepared by Shri Banamali Bag. Independent website for the first time was launched and all the members of NKC CTE family witnessed the making of history with the launch of website video presented by Shri Pratyusha Ranjan Sahoo, website designed by Soumya Kant Swain, Photo and video support provided by Shri Sampad Sahoo, Principal inaugurated the website, then had session on motivational talk by Shri Dukhabandhu Sahoo, alumni member, following which a session was conducted to orient about collge by Dr. Srutirupa Panda. Then one entry level test was conducted by Smt. Jayanti Pradhan and Dr. Plabani Bal. Post lunch session on code of conduct was conducted by Shri Pratyusha Ranjan Sahoo and Dr. Ajay Kumar Swain. Last session on mentoring was taken by Dr. Plabani Bal and Ms. soubhagyalaxmi Pagada. Meeting ended with reflection and Vote of thanks by Smt. Jayanti Pradhan. The Meeting was coordinated by Shri Pratyusha Ranjan Sahoo.



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